Category: Creatures

Mythical Creature – Mokele-Mbembe

The legends surrounding the Mokele-mbembe (AKA the “Long-necked Terror”) are as long as they are fascinating. This mythical creature has been thought to be a...

Mythical Creature – Grendel From Beowulf

Mythical creatures come in all shapes and sizes, from the slender and savage monsters of Greek mythology to the gigantic and imposing creatures of myths...

The Mythical Kraken

If you’re a fan of mythical creatures, you might have heard of the Kraken. It’s a creature that has a taste for human flesh. And...

Banshee – Mythical Creature

The Banshee is a mythical creature that is associated with death. It is also believed to be associated with wealth and nobility. Some people also...

Mythical Creature – The Gorgon

The Gorgon, or Medusa, is a powerful and deadly Mythical creature. This article will explore her origins, the power she possesses and her defenses. In...

The Mythical Creature Harpy

The harpy is a mythical creature that was thought to be a nocturnal predator. It was one of the daughters of Typhon and Echidna and...

Phoenix – Mythical Creature

The phoenix is an ancient mythical creature. This mythical creature, which was said to have risen from the ashes of the world, has been used...